
Several undergraduate degrees are taught entirely in English, as well as many others in Japanese.

Classes for degree courses taught in Japanese, which you can take together with Japanese students, begin in April. Degree courses taught in English start in October. The courses taught in English are attended by international students from a variety of countries. The number of international coeducational classes open to all students is also being increased, allowing you to take courses taught in English alongside Japanese students and providing many chances for you to study the Japanese language.

Faculties / Schools Department
Arts and Letters Humanities and Social Sciences
Education Educational Science
Law Law
Economics Economics
Business Administration
Science Mathematics
Astronomy and Geophysics
Geoenvironmental Science
Earth and Planetary Materials Science
Medicine Medical Sciences
Health Sciences
Dentistry Dentistry

Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering
Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
and Biomolecular Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Agriculture Applied Bio-Sciences
Applied Biological Chemistry

Degree Courses Taught in English

  • tohoku university amc

    Advanced Molecular Chemistry Course

    Faculty of Science
    Degree: Bachelor of Science
  • tohoku university imac

    International Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Course-Undergraduate

    School of Engineering
    Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
  • tohoku university amb

    Applied Marine Biology Course

    Faculty of Agriculture
    Degree: Bachelor of Agriculture
  • 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播:

    Student Exchange Division, Tohoku University
    41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8576 Japan
    Email: tohoku-fglgrp.tohoku.ac.jp
    For further information:
    FGL Undergraduate Courses 
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