New Frontier of Molecular Materials
The New Frontier of Molecular Materials (NFMM) will be held from September 29-30, 2017, in Sendai.
It will serve as a post-conference of the 12th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM2017) which is scheduled to take place in Zao from September 24-29.
The NFMM conference aims to bring together students and young researchers in the growing research field of molecular materials, so that they may share results of their work and build a network for future collaborations. Participants are expected to be from a variety of backgrounds due to the interdisciplinary nature of this field, so the forum will provide a platform for easy and open communication.
The scope of the conference includes emerging new topics in molecular solids discussed in ISCOM2017 (see here ). But broader topics are also welcomed.
NFMM is supported by the International Collaboration Center (ICC) and the Institute for Materials 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播 (IMR) at Tohoku University, as well as the 14th Material Science School for Young Scientists (KINKEN-WAKATE 2017), and by the organizing committee of ISCOM2017.
Date: September 29~30, 2017
Auditorium, Bldg.2, Institute for Materials 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播, Tohoku University.
Entry :
Deadline for abstract submission is June 16.
New Frontier of Molecular Materials