
Open Campus @ Tohoku University

Discover campus culture at our Open Campus Days!
For two days this month, Tohoku University will open our campuses to the public.

Where: Kawauchi Campus, Aoyama Campus, Seiryo Campus, Amamiya Campus.
How: By free shuttle bus
When: July 29 and 30

Visiting one of our five campuses is a great way to find out more about studying at Tohoku University. Prospective students will learn more about university courses, the application process, student support and careers.

Everyone with an interest in the university is welcome to attend. There is no need to register, though you may need to sign up for certain activities.

See the following pamphlet for detailed information on the Open Campus: (Japanese only)

For an overview of events and directions to the campuses: (Japanese only)

A Brief Overview of Selected Events:

@ Kawauchi Campus<

Main Library - July 29,30

Orienteering - 9:00am~5:00pm
?Grab a map and navigate your way around the library while searching for clues.
International Concierge - 1:00pm ~

Ask advice from our multilingual international students about how to use the library and find what you're looking for.

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies - Kawauchi Lecture Building A

International exchange - What do people living overseas think of Japan? Room A205
?Have a chat with students to discuss what people think of Japan from the outside looking in.

Global Learning Center - Kawauchi Lecture Building C 1F

Super Global Cafe - July 30, 12:40pm ~ 4:10pm
?Students visiting Japan on the Summer School Programme will introduce their home country, culture and university.

Demonstrations from Student Clubs and Circles - Kawauchi Lecture Building C

?Aikido - July 29, 30 9:00am~4:00pm, Room C303
?Ballroom Dancing - July 29, 1:00pm~4:00pm, Room C302
?Judo - July 29, 30, 9:00am~4:00pm, Room C203
?Model Trains - July 29, 30, 9:00~4:00pm, Room C204
?Racing Karts - July 29, 1:00pm~4:00pm, Room C306

@ Aobayama Campus

Department of Information and Intelligent Systems


?Smart Technologies - Demonstrations on cutting edge technology

Biomedical engineering and medical equipment - Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Building 1

Robot intelligence systems - Lecture Room 103

Smart energy - Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Building 1 Lobby, 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播 Building no.2, 1F

High-tech materials - Electrical, Information and Physics Engineering Building 1, 2F

Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center


?Facility tours at 10:00~11:30am, 1:30~3:30pm

Summer Kids Science Campus at the Creative Engineering Center

Observe experiments as children from Sendai City enjoy getting creative with science. July 29, 30, 9:20am~3:20pm

Qatar Science Campus - Qatar Science Hall

Stamp rally and tour for parents and children - grade 3 elementary to junior high school age. July 29, 1:30~3:30pm

School of Engineering Technology Club - 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播 Building no.2


Please check each faculty's website for detailed information on events

Kawauchi Campus:
Faculty of Arts and Letters, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics, School of Law, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Graduate School of Educational Informatics, Global Learning Center

Aobayama Campus:
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Department of Electrical Engineering and Physics Engineering, Department of Information and Intelligent Systems, Department of Geophysics, Astronomical Institute

Seiryo Campus :
School of Medicine, School of Dentistry

Amamiya Campus:
Faculty of Agriculture

Shuttle Buses:

Free shuttle buses will run between the campuses.

A course : Kawauchi Campus > Aobayama Campus

Kawauchi Hagi Hall (A:1) > School of Engineering Admin Center (A:2) > Graduate School of Information Sciences (A:3) > Faculty of Science (A:4) > Kawauchi Hagi Hall (A:1)

The first bus leaves Kawauchi Hagi Hall at 9:00am with buses running at 15 minute intervals until 3:45pm.

(A:1) > (A:2) > (A:3) > (A:4) > (A:1)
9:00 > 9:10 > 9:14 > 9:15

B course: Kawauchi Campus > Seiryo Campus

Kawauchi Hagi Hall (B:1) > School of Medicine (B:2) > Kawauchi Hagi Hall (B:1)

The first bus leaves Kawauchi Hagi Hall at 8:30am with buses running every half hour until 3:30pm.

(B:1) > (B:2) > (B:1)
8:30 > 8:45

C course: Kawauchi Campus > Seiryo Campus > Amamiya Campus > Seiryo Campus > Kawauchi Campus

Kawauchi Hagi Hall (C:1) > School of Medicine (C:2) > Faculty of Agriculture (C:3) > School of Medicine (C:2) > Kawauchi Hagi Hall (C:1)

The first bus leaves Kawauchi Hagi Hall at 8:30am with buses running at 20 minute intervals until 3:30pm. Buses should leave at ten past, half past and ten minutes to the hour.

(C:1) > (C:2) > (C:3) > (C:2) > (C:1)
8:30 > 8:45 > 8:55 > 9:05

- Please make sure to catch the correct bus, as there are also separate shuttle buses for staff and students.


Tohoku University International PR Section
Tel: +81-22-217-4816
Fax: +81-22-217-4818

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