
Social Sciences and Humanities Symposium "What is Umigyo?"

Umigyo refers to establishing marine and maritime industries that draw in customers and tourists while also benefitting community members living in that area.

"What is Umigyo?: The Role of the Social Sciences and Humanities for Strengthening Community Sustainability in the Umigyo Era" is a symposium that focuses on asking "how can we support and strengthen coastal community resilience in the face of increasing challenges such as climate change, demographic changes, disasters, and new environmental and fishery policies?"

The symposium includes break out groups and discussions to share ideas and experiences on the best way to move culture and communities to the forefront of umigyo revitalization efforts and activities. Registration is required.

Date: December 14, 2024
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm (opens at 1:30pm)
Venue: Katahira Kitamon Commons, Tohoku University (A01) (Map)
Fee: Free
Language: Japanese, English (translation available)
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline: December 11, 2024



Center for Northeast Asian Studies

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