
A Visit by the Rector of the United Nations University

On November 24, Professor Tshilidzi Marwala, the Rector of the United Nations University, visited Tohoku University to meet with President Hideo Ohno and discuss matters with faculty members.

President Ohno warmly welcomed Prof. Marwala and introduced a number of the university's efforts, including research being carried out in the field of information science. Professor Marwala, who is an expert in artificial intelligence, said that there needs to be a deeper understanding of the scope and impact of AI's potential application in order to advance the human-led development of both AI and Big Data. He also spoke about the importance of enabling the use of semiconductors and other technologies in emerging and developing countries. In agreement with Professor Marwala, President Ohno remarked that it is important to consider how all of humankind benefit from technology.

Following his meeting with President Ohno, Professor Marwala held discussions with faculty members in fields related to AI and Disaster Science.

It is hoped that this visit will contribute to the further development of exchanges between the two universities.


Global Affairs Department,Global Engagement Division
Email: kokusai-rgrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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