A group from Indonesia's Halu Oleo University, led by Rector Muhammad Zamrun Firihu, visited Tohoku University on August 30 and paid a courtesy call on Vice President Masahiro Yamaguchi.
The group heard a presentation on Tohoku University's recent activities, as well as updates on staff mobility, student exchanges and cooperative research programmes with Indonesian universities.

Introducing Halu Oleo University, Muhammad Zamrun spoke of its strength in marine research due to its proximity to the sea, and added that there are plans to build a university hospital.
Members of the group then visited Aobayama Campus where they stopped by the laboratory of Kouichi Hagino, at the Graduate School of Science. They toured the new extension, walked through the new student housing complex and had a look around the various facilities at Aobayama Commons.

The group ended the day at Tohoku University Hospital. They met with Director Nobuo Yaegashi, who shared details and answered questions about the hospital's management and operation. Before leaving, the visitors had a brief tour of the hospital's facilities.

Tohoku University International Exchange DivisionTel: +81 22 217-4844
Email: kokusai-r