
Condolence Message on the Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake

Dear colleagues,

This Friday marks 11 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011. I would like to express my deepest sympathies to all the victims, their families and those in our community who are still affected.

At 2:46 p.m. on the anniversary of this disaster, I would like to request that all of us at Tohoku University pause for a minute's silence to remember the victims.

As a university that is engaged with society, we remain committed to doing everything we can to help the region and the country recover. We will continue to use our research strength to develop and promote activities that will contribute to the realization of a society that is resilient to all kinds of disasters, and where people can live safely and in harmony.

President of Tohoku University
Hideo Ohno 

Message in Japanese


Tohoku University International PR Section
Tel: +81-22-217-4816
Email: public_relationsgrp.tohoku.ac.jp

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