
Emergency Financial Aid for Students - Third Round of Applications Now Open

This program is aimed at students who are struggling financially to continue their studies because of a reduction in their household income, and/or their inability to take on part-time work due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Such students are eligible - upon application and screening - to receive a cash payment of 100,000 yen from the government.

Please read the programme overview and guidelines carefully. All applications must be made online using a DCMail account. Physical / postal submissions will not be accepted.

Emergency Student Fund for Continued Studies
Program overview on MEXT website: https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/hutankeigen/mext_00002.html

To apply: https://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/jyoho/aid/
Application deadline: March 14, 2022 (Mon) 12 noon JST

Students who have already applied in the first or second round cannot apply again.

Please note that the Student Support Department will not be able to take phone inquiries on this matter. Any questions must be submitted through the form below, and answers will be posted on the FAQ/ Answer board.

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Tohoku University Student Support Counseling Center
Education and Student Support Department
Inquiry Form: https://bit.ly/3gtfomf
FAQ and Answers from the Counseling Center: https://bit.ly/3HxmulJ

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