Congratulations to the winners of Tohoku University's Autumn photo contest!
The top few entries for each category have been awarded the prizes below. The winners of the Grand and Website Prizes will be selected from all 4 seasons entries and announced at Tohoku University's Home Coming Day tomorrow.
Category A:
Scenes/buildings around campus

Name: Nguyen Chi Long
Title: Autumn arrives at Tohoku University
Location: Seiyro campus

Name: Otic Clint John Cortes
Title: Summer meets Autumn
Location: School of Engineering, Aobayama campus
Category B:
雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播/ education / club related activity

Name: John Jewish Dominguez
Title: Autumn Inspired
Location: Graduate School of Environmental Sciences, Aobayama campus

Name: Nguyen Quoc Hung
Title: Dancing with the heart of youth
Location: Kawauchi Campus
Category C:
Natural beauty or culture of Miyagi

Name: Yasuhiro Kimura
Title: A thousand origami cranes
Location: Ichibancho, Sendai

Name: Nguyen Chi Long
Title: I see the light
Location: Miyagi's Coastline
Tohoku University International PR SectionEmail: photo_contest