Tohoku University has revised its COVID-19 Emergency Action Plan (BCP), with measures and restrictions at each level modified slightly to better reflect the current situation in Miyagi prefecture.
Here are the two important highlights:
The good news for students is that the revised BCP level 1 allows for some classes to be held on campus. To avoid disruption and confusion, all classes for this current term will remain online.
But in the second term starting Oct 1, classes will be a blend of online and in-person periods. This means that most lectures will still be online, but certain classes will require several periods of in-person participation on campus. Students should look out for notices from their faculty or graduate school, to get further details and instructions.
Infection prevention measures will be implemented to enable practical, laboratory and training classes to be conducted safely. 雷速体育_中国足彩网¥在线直播 activities can be carried out normally under each department's supervision.
Under the revised BCP Level 1, students who wish to return to their hometown may do so, but please be careful. Recreational and unnecessary travel is still strongly discouraged, especially during crowded peak periods like holiday weekends.
All business trips to the Kanto area are currently suspended due to the high number of infection cases in Tokyo and the surrounding areas. Staff travelling elsewhere on essential business should check for infection cases and take appropriate safety measures.
Students and staff should have a look at the new modified BCP chart for all categories and be aware of how the changes might affect them.
When on campus, students should wear a mask and must continue practicing good hygiene, frequent hand washing and social distancing.
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