With the COVID-19 pandemic still a concern, Tohoku University is reminding students to continue following safety measures such wearing a mask at all times, avoiding crowded places and refraining from taking on part-time work that puts them at risk of infection.
Aware that these restrictions can be quite unsettling for new students, the university is once again offering a system of peer support, in the form of school / life advice and mentorship from current and senior students.
It is hoped that this Peer Support System - which is an aspect of the university's Student Support Package - will help mitigate some of the anxieties caused by these uncertain times.
For current students who wish to be peer supporters, here is how to apply:
(1) Eligibility:
Because experience is important, the system is targeted at 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students and 2nd year graduate students. Second-year undergraduates and graduate students are also eligible to apply at their department's discretion.
(2) Support Duties:
Peer supporters will provide online assistance and advice on matters regarding student life.
(3) Payment/ Stipend:
For Individuals: JPY 40,000/person (JPY 20,000/month x 2 months)
For Groups: (up to) JPY 100,000 /group
(4) How to Apply:
For individual applicants, please refer to your department's website
For groups, please use this application form
(5) Application deadlines:
Deadline for individual applications will be set by each department (expected to be roughly in mid-April)
Deadline for group applications: April 12, 2022
Second (final) deadline for group applications: end of April 2022
Tohoku University Education and Student Support DivisionAdministrative Office for Career Support
Tel: 022-795-7768
Email: peer-support3