
President Tominaga visits the University of Washington

On September 13, a delegation from Tohoku University visited one of the university's strategic partners, the University of Washington. The delegation included President Teiji Tominaga, Professor Hideo Harigae, Executive Vice President for Medical Care and Co-creation Strategy, and Professor Masahiro Yamauchi, Vice President for Education Reform and Global Engagement. At the University of Washington, they met with President Ana Mari Cauce and leading faculty members from the University of Washington's College of Engineering.

During their meeting, President Tominaga and President Cauce discussed the achievements of the University of Washington - Tohoku University Academic Open Space (AOS). They agreed to strengthen their relationship by proposing a new platform entitled the TU-UW Strategic Collaboration Package for Global Excellence. This platform aims to promote future collaborative strategies and foster multifaceted exchanges across education, research, and industry-academia collaborations by emphasizing two fundamental pillars: "Academic Excellence" and "Social Impact." President Tominaga and President Cauce formalized this commitment by signing an updated university-level exchange agreement.

Following his meeting with President Cauce, President Tominaga met with Dr. Timothy Dellit, Dean of the University of Washington School of Medicine, and later with Professor Anson Fatland, Associate Vice Provost for Innovation Strategy and Venture at CoMotion.

It is hoped that this visit will create opportunities to further elevate the collaborative relationship between the two universities.


Global Affairs Department, Global Engagement Division
Email: kokusai-rgrptohoku.ac.jp

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