
2017 Professor Fujino Incentive Award

Four students have been conferred the Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award for 2017. They received their certificates from university president Susumu Satomi at a ceremony held at the former lecture hall of Chinese literary figure Lu Xun.

The recipients are Huang Tingting (Economics and Management), Li Wenjuan (Science), Zhang Shu (Medicine) and Wen Dawei (Chemical Engineering).

"I've read some of Lu Xun's work and they are criticial and interesting," said Wen. "This award is very important to me because it encourages me to do better."

"I really appreciate my professors, especially the first one who brought me from China to Japan and started me on this very exciting journey," said Huang. "A lot of good things have happened to me here. I have a child, I have my research and now I have this award."


In his speech, President Satomi said that Lu Xun had sometimes struggled as a foreign student in Japan and was greatly helped by Professor Fujino. He urged the students to "be like Professor Fujino" and provide help and encouragement to Japanese and other international students when they return to China.

Guest of Honour Takeshi Ebata, chairman of the Japan-China Friendship Association of Miyagi, echoed the sentiment, saying that he hoped the students will be like ambassadors and share their positive experiences of Japan with friends and family.

The Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award was set up in 2005 to recognise bright and promising Chinese students enrolled in graduate programmes here. Recipients are selected based on the achievements of their research papers, as well as their potential to contribute to future academic exchanges.

In total, 60 students have received the award, which is named after Professor Genkuro Fujino, Lu Xun's teacher when the Chinese scholar was a student at Sendai Medical College, the forerunner of Tohoku University.

Lu Xun went on to become one of the most important and influential figures of modern Chinese literature. His short story titled "Mr. Fujino" was said to have been inspired by the close relationship he had with his teacher.



Student Exchange Division, Tohoku University
Email: sed2@grp.tohoku.ac.jp

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