
Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award 2024

Six Chinese students have received the Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award for 2024. They were given their certificates at a ceremony on September 25 in the lecture hall where famous literary figure Lu Xun once studied.

The six recipients are: Zhao Yikai (Economics and Management), Zhang Anqi (Medicine), Yang Hui (Dentistry), Huang Yihui (Engineering), Yin Zijun (Agricultural Science) and Liu Chunlin (International Cultural Studies).

In his congratulatory speech, President Teiji Tominaga noted that Lu Xun was one of the first international students to attend university in Japan and was a great example of Tohoku University's "open doors" policy of accepting talented students regardless of nationality, gender or background.

"It is not hard to imagine the challenges Lu Xun faced living as a student in a foreign land with a different language and customs during a time when foreigners were rare," he said. "But as he vividly depicted in his collection of short stories about his time in Sendai, the meticulous guidance Lu Xun received from Professor Genkuro Fujino in anatomy left a positive and indelible mark on him."

President Tominaga then added that he hopes all students will similarly thrive under the guidance of their own academic advisors at the university, and that the award recipients will "continue to develop the bond of friendship between Japan and China established by Professor Fujino and Lu Xun, and passed down for over a century."

Huang Yihui then gave a speech on behalf of the award recipients and thanked the university and his professors for their support.

Huang shared how Lu Xun's Sendai short stories left a lasting impression during his high school years and inspired him to one day be a student at Tohoku University. In his six years here, he said, he felt the passion of his professors and experienced the guidance and kindness that Lu Xun described in his stories. "Sometimes I was so engrossed in my research that I stayed past the last train and my professor would drive me home. The warmth I felt from my professor's kindness in the midwinter cold still remains in my heart."

Huang added that he was also able to develop the right attitude and critical thinking to be a good researcher due to the support and advice of his professors and colleagues. "Just as Lu Xun was grateful to Professor Fujino, I am also grateful to my all my professors here."

The Tohoku University Professor Fujino Incentive Award was set up in 2005 to recognize outstanding Chinese students enrolled in graduate programmes here. Recipients are selected based on the achievements of their research papers, as well as their potential to contribute to future academic exchanges.


Student Exchange Division, Tohoku University
Email: sed2grp.tohoku.ac.jp

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